American Diabetes Association (ADA) Conference, Philadelphia Updated UKPDS Risk Engine that Estimates Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Disease Risk in People With Recently-Diagnosed or Established Type 2 Diabetes
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Holman RR
Diabetes 2012;61:Supp 1:A103 [Abstract]
67th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association, Chicago The Oxford Risk Engine: A Cardiovascular Risk Calculator for Individuals with or without Type 2 diabetes
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Holman RR
Diabetes 2007;56:Suppl 1:A170 [Abstract]
The Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference, Glasgow Estimating cardiovascular disease risk for individuals with Type 2 diabetes: the new UKPDS Risk Engine
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Holman RR
Diabetic Medicine 2007;24:Suppl 1:56 [Abstract]
43rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Amsterdam Are measures of adiposity associated independently with incident cardiovascular disease in individuals with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes?
Coleman RL, Holman RR
Diabetologia 2007;50:Suppl 1:S502 [Abstract]
Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference, Birmingham Estimating risk of clinically evident neuropathy in type 2 diabetes: a UKPDS risk equation
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Holman RR
Diabetic Medicine 2006;23:Suppl. 2:51
66th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association, Washington Estimating Risk of Clinically Evident Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes.
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Aldington SJ, Holman RR
Diabetes 2006;55:Suppl 1:A53
65th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Diego A Cardiovascular Risk Calculator for Type 2 Diabetes
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Matthews DR, Holman RR
Diabetes 2005;54:Suppl 1:A172
41st Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Athens Incident nephropathy in type 2 diabetes: a UKPDS Risk Equation
Coleman RL, Stevens RJ, Holman RR
Diabetologia 2005;48:Suppl 1:A32
40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Munich Risk factors for neuropathy in UKPDS
Stratton IM, Holman RR, Boulton AJM
Diabetologia 2004;47:Suppl 1:A47 [Abstract]
63rd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans Risk of Heart Failure in Type 2 Diabetes
Coleman R, Stevens RJ, Stratton IM, Adler A, Matthews D, Holman RR
Diabetes 2003;52:Suppl 1:A217
62nd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco Forecasting Coronary Case Fatality in Type 2 Diabetes: A UKPDS Risk Engine Equation
Stevens RJ, Coleman RL, Adler AI, Stratton IM, Holman RR
Diabetes 2002;51:Suppl 2:A172
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