Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference, Birmingham LDL cholesterol levels alone do not adequately assess coronary heart disease risk in Type 2 diabetes
Farmer AJ, Paul S, Stratton IM, Tucker L, Neil HAW, Holman RR
Diabetic Medicine 2006;23:Suppl 2:89 [Abstract]
66th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association, Washington LDL Cholesterol Level Alone does not Assess Coronary Heart Disease Risk Adequately in Type 2 Diabetes
Farmer AJ, Paul SK, Stratton IM, Tucker L, Neil AW and Holman RR
Diabetes 2006;55:Suppl 1:A462 [Abstract]
Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference, Glasgow AFORRD: a multi-centre trial evaluating potential cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes randomised in a factorial design to atorvastatin and/or omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
Farmer AJ,Neil HAW, Holman RR
Diabetic Medicine 2005;22:S2:63 [Abstract]
Diabetes Trials Unit, OCDEM, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7LJ
Tel: +44 (0)1865 857240 Email: dtu@dtu.ox.ac.uk